
Overview of STAR Sports

The STAR School offers an outstanding sports program. All students, regardless of ability, are welcome to participate as STAR Hawks. Bus transportation is provided to take students home after meets, and at 4:30 on Monday-Thursday after practice. We now have cross-country, basketball, and soccer for boys and girls, and girls’ volleyball. We compete with other schools in the region including Leupp Schools Inc., Little Singer School, Dilcon, Indian Wells, Rocky Ridge, Hotevilla-Bacavi, Seba Dalkai, and Greasewood. We have been amazed that our tiny but mighty school can do well against schools that have many times the number of students.

Cross Country

Cross country this season has been really fun. We have the peewee girls and boys, the JV girls and boys and the varsity boys teams competing in the NHAJHL league this year. The Star Hawks have been traveling every Wednesday to various schools for competitions. Our STAR Hawks have shown improvement each week and are working hard towards the cross country finals at the end of October. They will be competing at the Arizona Youth Cross Country Championship the first weekend of November. Way to go Hawks!